Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Almond (or any type of nut) Butter

Dudes, look:

This is super creamy. So creamy, I poured it out of my food processor. And yes, into a former sour cream container. Don't judge. Or do, whatever.

Okay. Ready?


That's it.

Seriously. Just enough to about halfway fill your food processor.

Things you need:
A food processor
A cookie sheet

Okay. Step one, roast the almonds (or whatever nut). Do it! Don't skip. It draws out the oils and that is important. Roast them at 350 for about 10 minutes. Better to under roast than to over roast. If they smell hot and delicious, they're ready.

Then, dump them into your food processor. Now turn it on. Now wait about 15 minutes or until it is the desired consistency. Like I said, I like it really creamy. Like this:

See how it was pouring out? Amazing. But you have to wait! Just wait. If its like nut dust at first, great. Wait. Paste? Wait. Unless you want paste.

Reasons to make nut butter:

Reasons not to:
You don't possess patience or a food processor or are obsessed with chemicals in your food.

If you want sweetened nut butter, honey is great. Or sugar. But I like mine either with jelly, which makes the perfect sweetness, or on an apple. Same result.

Make it!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'll try it, twist my arm.

    Also, did you for real make the cauliflower pizza and was it good?
