Sunday, April 1, 2012

Oatmeal Cup-cookies, Muffin-cakes, Or something.

This is a good "naked pantry" recipe. It is easy to vary and doesn't include anything too out-of-the-ordinary. These were my ingredients:

The black jar has sugar in it, but I bet Splenda or whatever would work. Also, I used real butter because I had some, but I'd use margarine any day. The honey is my personal substitution for brown sugar, and that is Almond extract which is extremely delicious but vanilla works, too. I jazz things up with white chocolate chips (because that is what I had at the moment) but the possibilities are endless. 

Okay, basic ingredients: 

1 1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 c. honey/brown sugar
1 t. almond or vanilla extract
1 egg
1/3 c. butter, melted. 
"some" of whatever you want to add (nuts, chocolate chips, dried fruit, whatever)

Toss it all in a bowl and stir it up. Bake it in a 375ยบ oven for 12-15 minutes. I bake them in a greased muffin pan, but admittedly, they don't stay together very well. Perhaps if you baked them a bit longer, but I'd rather have crumbly soft tastiness than perfectly shaped but overly hard cookies. You can put them in cupcake cups, but sometimes they stick to the paper. So, honestly, this is not a great recipe for company that you'd like to impress with presentation. I took it to girls night and we just ate them out of the muffin pan with forks. I'm sure if you have a silicone muffin pan, that would be better, but there still isn't a guarantee these will have the perfect shape. They make delicious, tasty morsels, though. Something else you could do is spread it out in a cookie sheet and turn it into granola. So, if you're home alone on a Friday night and craving something sweet but just have this assortment of randomness in your pantry, then have at it. Shove the crumbly mess in a plastic bag and I'm sure your kids or husband will not argue. 

Finished product:

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