Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Finished Product:

The variations on this recipe are endless. The one above is spinach, tomatoes, and cheddar cheese with oregano, basil, salt and pepper. 


Pie crust OR crescent roll dough
3-4 large eggs
[about 1 c.] Milk (any)
Meat of choice
Veggies of choice
Cheese of choice

Oven: 375º and then 350º
Greased quiche dish, pie pan, or pre-packaged pie crust in aluminum pan


1. Lay pie crust or crescent dough (spread out) in dish. Poke a few holes with a fork.
2. Cook at 375º for 7 minutes
3. Beat 3-4 eggs (depending on how many other things you are adding) with the milk. Set aside.
4. Prepare meat, veggies, and cheese (cook, chop, etc). 
5. Remove crust, let cool for 10 minutes.
6. Place your ingredients in this order: meat, veggies, cheese, egg mixture.
7. Sprinkle top with spices of choice.
8. Bake right away at 350º for 45-60 minutes, until toothpick inserted comes out clean OR refrigerate for a few hours or overnight, then bake. 

Here are a few prep photos: 

This one has salsa, bacon, and cheddar made with crescent roll dough spread out in the bottom.

I used fresh spinach and canned tomatoes. I think frozen spinach might be better, and fresh tomatoes. Obviously this is actual pie crust. 

and cheese. 

This is both quiches filled with the egg mixture It's okay for the eggs NOT to totally cover the ingredients. It really does work out just fine. 
Cooked bacon/salsa quiche.

Cooked spinach/tomato quiche. 

So this is actually my mom's base recipe. Here are some of our favorite variations:

Green chile, ham, cheddar cheese
Breakfast sausage, cheese
Turkey, broccoli, cheese
Tomatoes, turkey, cheese
Squash and zucchini 
Caramelized onions, gouda
Basil, tomato, mozzarella (Caprese)

I made these two tonight for our girls night. They were both big hits. I think the salsa would work really well in an actual pie crust. Oh! Also, when I use crescent dough, I sometimes fill in the edges and sometimes just make a base, kinda like a pizza. Depends on how much patience you have. 

This is great to make the night before, cook in the morning, and eat off of all week. Also, it's generally 4 Weight Watchers points per 1/8 of the quiche. Just in case you were wondering. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

S'mores Bars


S'mores Bars, extra crispy marshmallows
Now, these have extra crispy marshmallows, as per request by some of the consumers of these delicious treats. However you can toast the marshmallows to whatever consistency you like.


2 C. Graham Cracker Crumbs
1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
A lot of chocolate chips (about half a bag, at least)
1 t. vanilla extract
Dash Salt

Oven: 375º
Dish: 8x8 or 5x3, greased

Simple Recipe, minimal commentary (detailed one below)

1. Mix all of that together except the marshmallows.
2. Spread the mixture in the pan.
3. Cook for 20ish minutes
4. Remove, sprinkle marshmallows on top.
5. Turn oven to BROIL. Return the pan to the oven, DO NOT SHUT THE DOOR ALL THE WAY.
6. Watch the marshmallows, remove when they reach desired state of toasted.

Recipe with commentary

1. Mix everything together except the marshmallows. This will be a pretty serious task. Be careful to mix all of the crumbs in, get them all moist, because the s/c milk will be soaked up quickly.
2. Spread the mixture in the pan. I found a fork to be helpful for this. Oddly enough a potato masher might help as well.
3. Cook for 20ish minutes. It should be a little brown on top, not too dark, just golden.
4. Remove, sprinkle marshmallows on top. You can do a lot or a little, your call.
5. Turn oven to BROIL. Return the pan to the oven, DO NOT SHUT THE DOOR ALL THE WAY. Seriously. The smoke detector went off and, needless to say, was disconcerting. But it was fine.
6. Watch the marshmallows, remove when they reach desired state of toasted. It might feel like nothing is happening, but seriously watch them, they toast quickly!


You can put half of the graham/chocolate mixture in the pan, add a layer of marshmallows, and then put the rest of the graham mixture, with or without also broiling more marshmallows on top. I tried both ways and they were great!

NOW the "bloggy" part. (When I read blogs for recipes, I sometimes care about what the people have to say as the "story" of the food, and sometimes I don't. So, I'm trying to make it easy to see the recipe but still write the "interesting" stuff.

Basically here's the deal. A bunch of girlfriends and I have a "girls night" every Wednesday. Most of us live in the same apartment complex so we alternate who hosts and it's just awesome, pot luck style, fun times. We often do a girly craft such as coloring, or decorating cookies. Yes. Seriously. So at one of these nights one of my friends made the graham cracker part of this recipe. I was addicted to it, I could not stop eating it. So then this past weekend I was having our group of "couples" over (my husband and I plus two other couples, and the women from each of these couples also comes to girls night) and I wanted to make S'mores bars because we all love s'mores. I was looking at the plethora of recipes on Pinterest but was dissatisfied with them all for one reason or another (I'm sure they are all wonderful but they lacked some aspect I was looking for). So, I remembered my friend's addictive graham cracker chocolate deliciousness and thought up the addition of marshmallows, both in the center AND on top, and just on top. I tried them out and while they are a disgusting amount of WW points (6 points for one little square!), they are amazing and easy.

I also realized post-posting that this is an odd first post for this blog, as I claim to hate recipes and amounts, etc. Future recipes, I think, will more accurately reflect my "style," which is making things up. So really the only part I "made up" about this recipe is the marshmallow part. However, tomorrow is girls night and I'm hosting and I'm making quiche, another recipe I didn't "make up" but the variations are ENDLESS which is definitely my style. It is a great meal you can assemble at night, cook the next morning, and eat from all week for any meal.


Greetings. I have loved cooking for years and thanks to Pinterest I am starting a blog of my "recipes*" so that others can have access to them, and so that I can have them all in one place!

*I don't actually like recipes, so these are more like "ideas." There are a few dishes I will actually follow a legit recipe on, such as anything baked. But for most of the time, I just follow the ideas in my head. Therefore, if you like super exact instructions and amounts, then you might not like all of my "recipes." However, if you are like me, I hope this gives you some tasty meals and more importantly sparks ideas of your own!